CookieStore: get() method

Limited availability

This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.

Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.

Note: This feature is available in Service Workers.

The get() method of the CookieStore interface returns a Promise that resolves to a single cookie matching the given name or options object. The method will return the first cookie that matches.




This method requires one of the following:

name Optional

A string with the name of a cookie.


options Optional

An object containing:


A string with the name of a cookie.


A string with the URL of a cookie.

Note: The url option enables the modification of a cookie scoped under a particular URL. Service workers can obtain cookies that would be sent to any URL under their scope. From a document you may only obtain the cookies at the current URL, so the only valid URL in a document context is the document's URL.

Return value

A Promise that resolves with an object representing the first cookie matching the submitted name or options, or null if there is no matching cookie.

The object returned for a match contains the following properties:


A string containing the domain of the cookie.


A timestamp, given as Unix time in milliseconds, containing the expiration date of the cookie.


A string containing the name of the cookie.


A boolean indicating whether the cookie is a partitioned cookie (true) or not (false). See Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS) for more information.


A string containing the path of the cookie.


One of the following SameSite values: "strict", "lax", or "none".


A boolean value indicating whether the cookie is to be used in secure contexts only (true) or not (false).


A string containing the value of the cookie.


SecurityError DOMException

Thrown if the origin does not serialize to a URL.


Thrown if:

  • The options parameter is an empty object.
  • The method is called in the main thread, and the url option is specified but does not match the URL of the current window.
  • The method is called in a worker and the url option is specified, but does not match the origin of the worker.
  • Querying cookies represented by the given name or options fails.


This example shows how to get a particular cookie by name.

The code first creates a cookie named "cookie1" using CookieStore.set(), logging any errors to the console. It then waits on get() to retrieve information about that same cookie. If the returned promise resolves with an object we log the cookie: otherwise we log that no matching cookie was found.

async function cookieTest() {
  // Set test cookie
  try {
    await cookieStore.set("cookie1", "cookie1-value");
  } catch (error) {
    console.log(`Error setting cookie1: ${error}`);

  // Get cookie, specifying name
  const cookie = await cookieStore.get("cookie1");

  if (cookie) {
  } else {
    console.log("cookie1: Cookie not found");



Cookie Store API
# dom-cookiestore-get

Browser compatibility