
Limited availability

This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.

Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

The PerformanceElementTiming interface contains render timing information for image and text node elements the developer annotated with an elementtiming attribute for observation.


The aim of the Element Timing API is to give web developers or analytics tools the ability to measure rendering timestamps of critical elements on a page.

The API supports timing information on the following elements:

  • <img> elements,
  • <image> elements inside an <svg>,
  • poster images of <video> elements,
  • elements which have a contentful background-image property with a URL value for a resource that is actually available, and
  • groups of text nodes, such as a <p>.

The author flags an element for observation by adding the elementtiming attribute on the element.

PerformanceElementTiming inherits from PerformanceEntry.

PerformanceEntry PerformanceElementTiming

Instance properties

This interface extends the following PerformanceEntry properties for event timing performance entry types by qualifying them as follows:

PerformanceEntry.duration Read only Experimental

Always returns 0 as duration does not apply to this interface.

PerformanceEntry.entryType Read only Experimental

Always returns "element". Read only Experimental

Returns "image-paint" for images and "text-paint" for text.

PerformanceEntry.startTime Read only Experimental

Returns the value of this entry's renderTime if it is not 0, otherwise the value of this entry's loadTime.

This interface also supports the following properties:

PerformanceElementTiming.element Read only Experimental

An Element representing the element we are returning information about. Read only Experimental

A string which is the id of the element.

PerformanceElementTiming.identifier Read only Experimental

A string which is the value of the elementtiming attribute on the element.

PerformanceElementTiming.intersectionRect Read only Experimental

A DOMRectReadOnly which is the rectangle of the element within the viewport.

PerformanceElementTiming.loadTime Read only Experimental

A DOMHighResTimeStamp with the loadTime of the element.

PerformanceElementTiming.naturalHeight Read only Experimental

An unsigned 32-bit integer (unsigned long) which is the intrinsic height of the image if this is applied to an image, 0 for text.

PerformanceElementTiming.naturalWidth Read only Experimental

An unsigned 32-bit integer (unsigned long) which is the intrinsic width of the image if this is applied to an image, 0 for text.

PerformanceElementTiming.renderTime Read only Experimental

A DOMHighResTimeStamp with the renderTime of the element.

PerformanceElementTiming.url Read only Experimental

A string which is the initial URL of the resources request for images, 0 for text.

Instance methods

PerformanceElementTiming.toJSON() Experimental

Returns a JSON representation of the PerformanceElementTiming object.


Observing render time of specific elements

In this example two elements are being observed by adding the elementtiming attribute. A PerformanceObserver is registered to get all performance entries of type "element" and the buffered flag is used to access data from before observer creation.

<img src="image.jpg" elementtiming="big-image" />
<p elementtiming="text" id="text-id">text here</p>
const observer = new PerformanceObserver((list) => {
  list.getEntries().forEach((entry) => {
observer.observe({ type: "element", buffered: true });

Two entries will be output to the console. The first containing details of the image, the second with details of the text node.


Element Timing API
# sec-performance-element-timing

Browser compatibility

See also