Baseline Widely available *
This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since January 2020.
* Some parts of this feature may have varying levels of support.
已棄用: 不推薦使用此功能。雖可能有一些瀏覽器仍然支援它,但也許已自相關的網頁標準中移除、正準備移除、或僅為了維持相容性而保留。避免使用此功能,盡可能更新現有程式;請參考頁面底部的相容性表格來下決定。請注意:本功能可能隨時停止運作。
警告: document.registerElement() 已經被棄用,建議使用 customElements.define().
可以在瀏覽器中註冊一個新的自訂標籤(元素)and returns a constructor for the new element.
備註: This is an experimental technology. The browser you use it in must support Web Components. See Enabling Web Components in Firefox.
var constructor = document.registerElement(tag-name, options);
- 標籤名稱
自訂的標籤名稱需有一個 橫線 ( - ), 例如
. - options 選擇性
An object with properties prototype to base the custom element on, and extends, an existing tag to extend. Both of these are optional.
var Mytag = document.registerElement("my-tag");
現在新的標籤已經在瀏覽器中註冊了. The Mytag
variable holds a constructor that you can use to create a my-tag
element in the document as follows:
document.body.appendChild(new Mytag());
This inserts an empty my-tag
element that will be visible if you use the browser's developer tools. It will not be visible if you use the browser's view source capability. And it won't be visible in the browser unless you add some content to the tag. Here is one way to add content to the new tag:
var mytag = document.getElementsByTagName("my-tag")[0];
mytag.textContent = "I am a my-tag element.";