
Limited availability

This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.

Note: This feature is available in Dedicated Web Workers.

The SourceBufferList interface represents a simple container list for multiple SourceBuffer objects.

The source buffer list containing the SourceBuffers appended to a particular MediaSource can be retrieved using the MediaSource.sourceBuffers property.

The individual source buffers can be accessed using the bracket notation [].

EventTarget SourceBufferList

Instance properties

SourceBufferList.length Read only

Returns the number of SourceBuffer objects in the list.

Instance methods

Inherits methods from its parent interface, EventTarget.



Fired when a SourceBuffer is added to the list.


Fired when a SourceBuffer is removed from the list.


This example shows how to access the active source buffers of the MediaSource connected to an already playing HTMLVideoElement.

// Video is an already playing video using a MediaSource srcObject
const video = document.querySelector("video");
const mediaSource = video.srcObject;
const sourceBufferList = mediaSource.activeSourceBuffers;
for (const sourceBuffer of sourceBufferList) {
  // Do something with each SourceBuffer, such as call abort()


Media Source Extensions™
# sourcebufferlist

Browser compatibility

See also