Report: body property

Limited availability

This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.

Note: This feature is available in Web Workers.

The body read-only property of the Report interface returns the body of the report, which is a ReportBody object containing the detailed report information.


A ReportBody object containing the detailed report information. Depending on what type the Report is, the object returned will actually be a DeprecationReportBody, InterventionReportBody, or CSPViolationReportBody. These all inherit from the base ReportBody class — study their reference pages for more information on what the particular report body types contain.


const options = {
  types: ["deprecation"],
  buffered: true,

const observer = new ReportingObserver(([firstReport], observer) => {
  // Log the first report's report body, i.e. a DeprecationReportBody object
}, options);


Reporting API
# dom-report-body

Browser compatibility

See also