Baseline Widely available

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since January 2020.

Note: This feature is available in Web Workers.

A DOMQuad is a collection of four DOMPoints defining the corners of an arbitrary quadrilateral. Returning DOMQuads lets getBoxQuads() return accurate information even when arbitrary 2D or 3D transforms are present. It has a handy bounds attribute returning a DOMRectReadOnly for those cases where you just want an axis-aligned bounding rectangle.



Creates a new DOMQuad object.

Instance properties

DOMQuad.p1 Read only

A DOMPoint representing one corner of the DOMQuad.

DOMQuad.p2 Read only

A DOMPoint representing one corner of the DOMQuad.

DOMQuad.p3 Read only

A DOMPoint representing one corner of the DOMQuad.

DOMQuad.p4 Read only

A DOMPoint representing one corner of the DOMQuad.

Instance methods


Returns a new DOMQuad object based on the passed set of coordinates.


Returns a new DOMQuad object or a set of quadrilateral coordinates based on the provided input.


Returns a DOMRect object with the coordinates and dimensions of the DOMQuad object.


Returns a JSON representation of the DOMQuad object.


Geometry Interfaces Module Level 1
# DOMQuad

Browser compatibility