
Limited availability

This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.

The CSSMathMin interface of the CSS Typed Object Model API represents the CSS min() function. It inherits properties and methods from its parent CSSNumericValue.

CSSStyleValue CSSNumericValue CSSMathValue CSSMathMin


CSSMathMin() Experimental

Creates a new CSSMathMin object.

Instance properties

CSSMathMin.values Read only

Returns a CSSNumericArray object which contains one or more CSSNumericValue objects.

Static methods

The interface may also inherit methods from its parent interface, CSSMathValue.

Instance methods

The interface may also inherit methods from its parent interface, CSSMathValue.


To do


CSS Typed OM Level 1
# cssmathmin

Browser compatibility