
Baseline Widely available

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since July 2015.

Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.

The GeolocationPositionError interface represents the reason of an error occurring when using the geolocating device.

Instance properties

The GeolocationPositionError interface doesn't inherit any property.

GeolocationPositionError.code Read only

Returns an unsigned short representing the error code. The following values are possible:

Value Associated constant Description
1 PERMISSION_DENIED The acquisition of the geolocation information failed because the page didn't have the necessary permissions, for example because it is blocked by a Permissions Policy
2 POSITION_UNAVAILABLE The acquisition of the geolocation failed because at least one internal source of position returned an internal error.
3 TIMEOUT The time allowed to acquire the geolocation was reached before the information was obtained.
GeolocationPositionError.message Read only

Returns a human-readable string describing the details of the error. Specifications note that this is primarily intended for debugging use and not to be shown directly in a user interface.

Instance methods

The GeolocationPositionError interface neither implements nor inherits any method.


# position_error_interface

Browser compatibility

See also