
Baseline Widely available

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since July 2015.

L'événement abort est déclenché lorsque la progression a été interompue (Non causé par une erreur)

Informations générales


Property Type Description
target Lecture seule EventTarget The event target (the topmost target in the DOM tree).
type Lecture seule DOMString The type of event.
bubbles Lecture seule Boolean Whether the event normally bubbles or not.
cancelable Lecture seule Boolean Whether the event is cancellable or not.
lengthComputable Lecture seule Boolean Specifies whether or not the total size of the transfer is known. Read only.
loaded Lecture seule unsigned long (long) The number of bytes transferred since the beginning of the operation. This doesn't include headers and other overhead, but only the content itself. Read only.
total Lecture seule unsigned long (long) The total number of bytes of content that will be transferred during the operation. If the total size is unknown, this value is zero. Read only.

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