HTML 拖放支持拖动各种类型的数据,包括纯文本,URL,HTML 代码,文件等。该文档描述了拖放常见数据类型的最佳做法。
警告: 本文档中包含一个moz前缀的所有方法和属性 (如mozSetDataAt()) 是 Gecko 的具体接口。这些接口仅适用于基于 Gecko 的浏览器。
拖动文字时请使用 text/plain
event.dataTransfer.setData("text/plain", "这是要拖动的文本");
如果应用和拖动目标不支持其他类型,推荐你使用 text/plain
类型的数据进行填充,否则将没有默认的替代文字。建议总是在最后添加原始文字类型的数据做为备选项(译者 plter 注:如果拖动开始时没有设置数据,则在有些浏览器中后续拖动相关事件可能不会触发)。
注:在旧代码中,可能会使用 text/unicode
或者 Text
类型,这两个与 text/plain
Links should include data of two types; the first should be the URL using the type text/uri-list
, and the second is the URL using the text/plain
type. Both types should use the same data, the URL of the link. For example:
const dt = event.dataTransfer;
dt.setData("text/uri-list", "https://www.mozilla.org");
dt.setData("text/plain", "https://www.mozilla.org");
As usual, set the text/plain
type last as it is less specific than the uri type.
Note: the URL type is uri-list
with an 'I', not with an 'L'.
To drag multiple links, you can also separate each link with a linebreak. A line that begins with a number sign (#) is a comment and should not be considered a valid URL. You can use a comment to indicate the purpose of a link, or to hold the title associated with a link. The text/plain
version of the drag data should include all links but should not include the comments.
For example:
https://www.mozilla.org #第二个链接 http://www.example.com
This sample text/uri-list
data contains two links and a comment.
When retrieving a dropped link, you should ensure you handle the case where multiple links may have been dragged, including any comments that appear in the data. For convenience, the special type URL
may be used to refer to the first valid link within the data for the text/uri-list
type. You should not add data using the URL
type; attempting to do so will just set the value of the text/uri-list
type instead.
const url = event.dataTransfer.getData("URL");
You may also see data using the Mozilla specific type text/x-moz-url
. If it appears, it should be used before the text/uri-list
type. It holds the URL of the link followed by the title of the link, separated by a linebreak. For example:
https://www.mozilla.org Mozilla http://www.example.com Example
HTML content may use the text/html
type. The data for this type should be the serialized HTML to drag. For instance, it would be suitable to set the data value for this type to the value of the innerHTML
property of an element.
XML content may use the text/xml
type, but you should ensure that the data value is well-formed XML.
You may also include a plain text representation of the HTML or XML data using the text/plain
type. The data should be just the text and should not include any of the source tags or attributes. For instance:
const dt = event.dataTransfer;
dt.setData("text/html", "你好,<strong>陌生人</strong>");
dt.setData("text/plain", "你好,陌生人");
更新 DataTransfer.types
Note that the latest spec now dictates that DataTransfer.types
should return a frozen array of DOMString
s rather than a DOMStringList
(this is supported in Firefox 52 and above).
As a result, the contains method no longer works on the property; the includes method should be used instead to check if a specific type of data is provided, using code like the following:
if ([...event.dataTransfer.types].includes("text/html")) {
// Do something
You could always use some feature detection to determine which method is supported on types
, and run code as appropriate.
Direct image dragging is not commonly done. In fact, Mozilla does not support direct image dragging on Mac or Linux platforms. Instead, images are usually dragged only by their URLs. To do this, use the text/uri-list
type as with other URL links. The data should be the URL of the image or a data URL if the image is not stored on a web site or disk. For more information about data URLs, see the data URL scheme.
As with other links, the data for the text/plain
type should also contain the URL. However, a data URL is not usually as useful in a text context, so you may wish to exclude the text/plain
data in this situation.
In chrome or other privileged code, you may also use the image/jpeg
, image/png
or image/gif
types, depending on the type of image. The data should be an object which implements the nsIInputStream interface. When this stream is read, it should provide the data bits for the image, as if the image was a file of that type.
You should also include the application/x-moz-file
type if the image is located on disk. In fact, this a common way in which image files are dragged.
It is important to set the data in the right order, from most specific to least specific. The image type such as image/jpeg
should come first, followed by the application/x-moz-file
type. Next, you should set the text/uri-list
data and finally the text/plain
data. For example:
const dt = event.dataTransfer;
dt.setData("text/uri-list", imageurl);
dt.setData("text/plain", imageurl);
Note the mozGetDataAt()
method is used for non-text data. As some contexts may only include some of these types, it is important to check which type is made available when receiving dropped images.
Nodes and elements in a document may be dragged using the application/x-moz-node
type. The data for the type should be a DOM node. This allows the drop target to receive the actual node where the drag was started from. Note that callers from a different domain will not be able to access the node even when it has been dropped.
You should always include a plain text alternative for the node.
You can also use other types that you make up for custom purposes. You should strive to always include a plain text alternative unless that object being dragged is specific to a particular site or application. In this case, the custom type ensures that the data cannot be dropped elsewhere.
There are cases in which you may want to add a file to an existing drag event session, and you may also want to write the file to disk when the drop operation happens over a folder in the operating system when your code receives notification of the target folder's location. This only works in extensions (or other privileged code) and the data type "application/moz-file-promise" should be used. The following sample offers an overview of this advanced case:
// currentEvent is a given existing drag operation event
currentEvent.dataTransfer.setData("text/x-moz-url", URL);
currentEvent.dataTransfer.setData("application/x-moz-file-promise-url", URL);
new dataProvider(success, error),
function dataProvider() {}
dataProvider.prototype = {
QueryInterface: function (iid) {
if (
iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIFlavorDataProvider) ||
return this;
throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE;
getFlavorData: function (aTransferable, aFlavor, aData, aDataLen) {
if (aFlavor == "application/x-moz-file-promise") {
var urlPrimitive = {};
var dataSize = {};
var url = urlPrimitive.value.QueryInterface(
console.log("URL file orignal is = " + url);
var namePrimitive = {};
var name = namePrimitive.value.QueryInterface(
console.log("target filename is = " + name);
var dirPrimitive = {};
var dir = dirPrimitive.value.QueryInterface(
console.log("target folder is = " + dir.path);
var file = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(
console.log("output final path is =" + file.path);
// now you can write or copy the file yourself...