I found MDN the very first day I started to learn web development. I like to get to know the topic I'm interested in thoroughly, so I often read the book, specifications, and articles simultaneously. MDN Web Docs is very helpful in that regard because the examples provided quickly give me a general idea of the topic, and the rest of the content allows me to dig deeper.
Contributor profile
Hi, my name is Michał. For many years, I worked on the backend for MMO games. I then became interested in web development, which I find more satisfying now. I like writing code and contributing to open source every day, walking and watching a movie every night, hanging out with my friends, and partying every weekend.
Michał Niedziółka
I noticed that some important information was missing. I figured that instead of reporting the issue and waiting for someone to correct it, I could try to update the article myself. It turned out to be very satisfying, especially since MDN is viewed daily by tens of thousands of developers who now can be informed because of me.
How did you start using MDN?
What do you like about the website?
I like how MDN is a tremendous source of knowledge. Instead of looking for information in the W3C, ECMA, or WHATWG spec, each with a different style, here I have everything put together and presented very straightforwardly. In addition, the articles contain great examples and browser compatibility information, so I use this site every day.
Why do you contribute?
One day while learning about how border-image works, I noticed that some important information was missing. I figured that instead of reporting the issue and waiting for someone to correct it, I could try to update the article myself. It turned out to be very satisfying, especially since MDN is viewed daily by tens of thousands of developers who now can be informed because of me. I decided to add at least one small thing every day, which I am still doing today.