
Die block-Anweisung erstellt ein Label, das später mit einem br angesprungen werden kann.

Die loop-Anweisung ist das Gegenteil der block-Anweisung, da das Springen zu einer loop-Anweisung zum Anfang der Schleife führt, während das Springen zu einer block-Anweisung zum Ende des Blocks führt; das heißt, aus dem Block heraus.

Probieren Sie es aus

  ;; import the browser console object, you'll need to pass this in from JavaScript
  (import "console" "log" (func $log (param i32)))

  ;; create a function that takes in a number as a param,
  ;; and logs that number if it's not equal to 100.
  (func (export "log_if_not_100") (param $num i32)
    (block $my_block

      ;; $num is equal to 100
      local.get $num
      i32.const 100


          ;; branch to the end of the block
          br $my_block


      ;; not reachable when $num is 100
      local.get $num
      call $log

const url = "{%wasm-url%}";
await WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch(url), { console }).then(
  (result) => {
    const log_if_not_100 = result.instance.exports.log_if_not_100;

    // Expected output: 99
    // Should not log anything
    // Expected output: 101


;; label the block so that it can be branched to.
(block $my_block

  ;; branch to the block.
  ;; most of the time you'll want to put this in an if statement and only branch on condition,
  ;; otherwise the following control flow are unreachable.
  br $my_block

  ;; this will never be reached, since the br jumped out of the block already.

Anweisung Binärer Opcode
block 0x02