Privacy sandbox

Google's privacy sandbox project is a series of proposals to satisfy cross-site use cases without requiring third-party cookies or other tracking mechanisms, preparing for a future web in which third-party cookies have been removed. Themes include identity and tracking protection, more privacy-respecting ad solutions, preventing covert tracking, and safely sharing data across browsing contexts.

Privacy sandbox features

Attribution Reporting API

Enables developers to measure conversions — for example when a user clicks an ad embedded on one site and then proceeds to purchase the item over on the vendor's site — and then access reports on those conversions. It does this without relying on third-party tracking cookies.

Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS)

Also known as partitioned cookies, CHIPs allows developers to opt a cookie into partitioned storage, with a separate cookie jar per top-level site.

Fenced Frame API

Provides functionality for controlling content embedded in <fencedframe> elements, which enable content to be embedded while solving the privacy issues of <iframe>s.

A mechanism for a company to declare relationships between different sites. Supporting browsers will then allow limited third-party cookie access across those sites for specific purposes, via the Storage Access API.

Shared Storage API

A client-side storage mechanism that enables unpartitioned, cross-site data access while preserving privacy (i.e. without relying on tracking cookies).

Topics API

Provides a mechanism for developers to implement use cases such as interest-based advertising (IBA) based on topics collected by the browser as the user navigates different pages, rather than collected by the developer by tracking the user's journey around different sites with third-party cookies.

Other topics

Privacy sandbox enrollment

To access certain privacy sandbox features, developers must complete an enrollment process.

See also