Contributor profile

A graphic of a friendly looking purple fantasy dragon with two horns, a diamond crown, and orange eyes.@queengooborg

I began web and software development at a young age as a way to bring my story ideas to more people. With the help of a wonderful tutor, I learned how to write code in Python, JavaScript, C, and C++, and with a shove in the right direction, taught myself a little bit of C#, Java, Lua, and BASIC for game modding and chatbots.

Because of my love for writing code and my love for the various arts, I launched my own company with the goal of providing anything and everything one would need for their artistic projects.

Queen Vinyl Da.i'gyu-Kazotetsu

The satisfaction of contributing to a project that is much bigger than myself as an individual drove me back then, as it does now. To know that the work I am doing positively impacts so many brings me great joy.

How did you start using MDN?

I started using MDN Web Docs in 2015 when I was developing my first website. I heavily used the API and JavaScript references to learn about the technologies and interfaces available for websites, as well as to learn how widely-supported the features I wished to use were.

What do you like about the website?

I love the fundamental concept of MDN Web Docs, that is, to bring knowledge to as many individuals as possible, be it professionals who’ve been creating websites for twenty years or a beginner looking to get started.

Why do you contribute?

My contributions to MDN Web Docs began in 2018, when the compatibility tables were migrating into their own machine-readable project, browser-compat-data (BCD). At first, I contributed as a way to remain productive in between the work on my own websites, but I quickly found my contributions increasing and my interest in the project growing.

Eventually, I found myself contributing more to BCD than my personal projects. The satisfaction of contributing to a project that is much bigger than myself as an individual drove me back then, as it does now. To know that the work I am doing positively impacts so many brings me great joy.

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