The script element was used on roughly half the pages we checked. The most common attributes: language src type defer charset id fptype for event name langauge class tppabs langugage languaje
As you might expect, Javascript book sales are up 121%, driven by the new interest in AJAX. (We don't yet track Ajax as a separate category, choosing instead to include it with Javascript.)
class Singleton { private static var _oInstance : Singleton; private function Singleton() {} public static function getInstance() : Singleton { if (_oInstance == undefined) _oInstance = new Singleton(); return _oInstance; } }
function Point(x, y) { return { getX: function () { return x }, getY: function () { return y } } } for (var i = 0, a = []; i < 1e5; i++) a[i] = new Point(i, i)
function Point1(x, y) { this.x = x this.y = y }
private internal public
Object Array Function Boolean Number String Date RegExp ...Error
int double decimal Class Type *
false == new Boolean(false)
false === new Boolean(false)
42 === new Number(42)
"foo" === new String("foo")
var x : String; // defaults to null
var x : String = y; // y converts to string
var x : SubType = y; // downcast y, may throw
function f(a : int, b : String, c : Object) : RetType { // arguments are guaranteed to match types // return value must convert to or match RetType }
function f(a : int, b : String, { // rest is of type Array, contains actual trailing arguments }
for an Array
of type T
{p: T, q: U}
where T
and U
are type expressions
[T, U, V]
where any elements after index 2 are also of type V
function (this: T, a: U, b: V): R
does not include null
is the nullable number type
if no supeclass is given
class C extends B { function C(m) { mem = m } public function getmem() { return mem } private var mem : Object } var c : C = new C(new Date)
exists, but c.getmem()
always refers to the declared class method
interface I { function meth(int) : int }
one or more interfaces, meaning it supplies function definitions for all interface methods
class B implements I { public function meth(a : int) : int { return a * a } }
type Q = {p: int, q: String} type R = {p: int, q: String, r: Boolean}
type A = [int, String, Boolean, Object]
type F = function (int, String, Boolean): Object type G = function (int, Object, Object): Number
is a subtype of Q
and G
is a subtype of F
type U = (R, A, F)
is a union: any value of type U
must be an R
, A
, or F
, private
, internal
, intrinsic
namespace improved
class C { public function frob(): int {...} public improved function frob(alpha: double): double { ... } }
use namespace improved . . . c.frob(alpha)
package org.mozilla.venkman { class Debugger { . . . } class Inspector { . . . } class StackWalker { . . . } }
import org.mozilla.venkman.* // use Debugger, Inspector, etc. freely
import org.mozilla.venkman.Inspector // Use Inspector without qualification
as a "better var
function f(v1: Vec3, v2: Vec3) { if (cross_product_only) { let a1 = v1[0], a2 = v1[1], a3 = v1[2] let b1 = v2[0], b2 = v2[1], b3 = v2[2] return new Vec3(a2*b3 - a3*b2, a3*b1 - a1*b3, a1*b2 - a2*b1) } . . . }
variables have block scope
loops contain an implicit block
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) sum += a[i] for (let key in obj) print(key, obj[key])
(function (a, b) {
var x = b, y = a
var z = eval(s)
commit(x, y, z)
})(x, y)
let (x = y, y = x, z) {
z = eval(s)
commit(x, y, z)
return (function (a, b) {
var x = b, y = a
return commit(x, y, eval(s))
})(x, y)
return let (x = y, y = x, z) commit(x, y, eval(s))
variables are scoped to the expression
// swap, rotate, permute in general [a, b] = [b, a] [p, q, r] = [q, r, p] // destructure a triple into fresh vars var [s, v, o] = db.getTriple()
let {'Title': title, 'Height': height, 'Width': width} = jsonResult
for (let [key, {'Title':title, 'FileSize':size}] in dict) print(key, title, size)
let it = Iterator(["meow", "oink", "woof"]) returns [0, "meow"] returns [1, "oink"] returns [2, "woof"] throws StopIteration
loop handles StopIteration
for (let i in it) print(i)
in a function makes a generator:
function count(n : int) {
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++)
yield i
var gen = count(10) returns 0; . . .; returns 9 throws StopIteration
passes value
back to yield
throws exception
from yield
from iterators
let squares = [i * i for (i in count(10))]
print(squares) => "0,1,4,9,...,81"
let odd_squares = [i * i for (i in count(10)) if (i % 2)]
return [i * j for (i in it1) for (j in it2) if (i != j)]
class Complex { var real:Number, imag:Number; public static function +(a:Object, b:Object):Complex { if (a is Complex && b is Complex) return new Complex(a.real + b.real, a.imag + b.imag) if (b == null) return (a is Complex) ? a : new Complex(a) return intrinsic::+(a, b) } . . . }
print(79.49 - 35.99) => 43.49999999999999
type and pragma to use it
use decimal
print(79.49 - 35.99) // => 43.50
return { get x() { return this.inner.x }, set x(nx) { this.inner.x = nx }, get *(id) { return this.intrinsic::get(id) }, set *(id,v) { return this.intrinsic::set(id, v) }, }
let today = 2006-05-12T let tomorrow_noon = 2006-05-13T12:00:00.000-07:00 let showtime = T13:45-7
s[i:j], a[-5:-2], etc.
delegates to Array.prototype
binds to outer this
for direct calls
typeof null === "null"
new RegExp("pattern")
same as /pattern/
and other generic functions on Array-likes